About Cal Pro
Est. 1983
The family and owners of California Pro Sports want you to know that when you buy from a family owned business like ours you are supporting your community in many ways. By purchasing from our store, you help us employ hard working individuals. You help each of us to support growing families. Your purchase from us means helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom or dad put food on the table, a family pay a mortgage, a new driver get their first car, or a student pay for college.
Our customers are our shareholders and you are the ones we strive to make happy.
Thank you for supporting small businesses like ours.
Kim Karsh and the entire Cal Pro Family
California Pro Sports
Kim at our first location in 1983
Aaron and Shelly, Halloween 1989
Matthew, Kim, and Aaron
West Torrance Babe Ruth 2004
Kim, Aaron, and Don Sutton 1987
Matthew and Aaron in the Rawlings
Bat and Glove Demo 1993
Kim and Barrett 2020